Excessive Sweat Issues in Kenya – Hyperhidrosis in Kenya


Why do we sweat?

Having excessive sweat issues in Kenya? This is what you need to know…

Sweating is a natural and healthy human body function.

Sweating is the natural way in which the human body regulates its temperature. Sweat keeps the body from overheating during exercise or when exposed to hot weather.

Sweating also occurs when we feel strong emotions like anger and when we are unwell as the body uses up energy to fight illnesses.

Why does sweat smell?

Did you know that sweat itself is odorless? It is the breaking down of the sweat that causes it to smell.

There are factors that cause smelly sweat;

  • Eating spicy foods regularly,
  • Being overweight,
  • Failing to stay hydrated,
  • Being diabetic or having other underlying health conditions.
  • High levels of salts in sweat result in body odor.

How can we make our sweat less pungent?

We can make our sweat less smelly by;

  • Taking a warm shower at least twice a day. Warm water is effective in killing the bacteria present on the skin.
  • Avoiding spicy foods.
  • Reducing the intake of red meat reduces the smell of sweat.
  • Staying hydrated keeps your sweat from being pungent.

How can we reduce excessive sweating and bad odor under the armpits?

The importance of deodorants and antiperspirants cannot be over-emphasized when it comes to underarm freshness.

deodorant masks the smell of sweat and keeps us smelling fresh while an antiperspirant reduces excessive wetness from sweat.

The choice of whether to go for a deodorant, antiperspirant or both should be guided by an individual’s needs.

In a nutshell,

Excessive sweat issues in Kenya are common. Sweating is a normal part of human biology. We just need to learn how to co-exist by regulating and masking its odor.

Taking your two showers, staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy diet, and wearing a deodorant will keep you smelling fresh.

Don’t sweat your sweat, it’s healthy!



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