Causes of Itchy and Sensitive Armpits

What Causes Itchy Armpits?

There is a good reason you looked up what causes itchy and sensitive armpits….

Ever had that irresistible itch on your armpits? Worse still in public and the more you itched the more the itch heightened. The armpit itch is one of those embarrassing itches that leave those around you questioning your hygiene.

 Causes of Itchiness on your Armpits

  1. Poor Personal Hygiene

The armpits are one of the main sweat areas of the human body. This is because of the hair follicles and sweat glands located there. That is why your armpits are a sweet home for bacteria. Armpits must be kept clean especially in hot seasons and after physical activity. This will prevent itchy armpits and keep you Fresh Always.

  1. You are Shaving Wrong!

Shaving your armpits is important as hair holds sweat and consequently bacteria. You could be shaving religiously but are you doing it wrong? Shaving should be done with a sharp razor and shaving cream to prevent irritation and itchiness.

Tip… Avoid shaving too often to give your skin time to recover.

  1. Skin Conditions

Itchiness and sensitivity can come from skin conditions. Skin conditions such as dermatitis in the armpits can result in dry skin, rashes, redness, and itchiness. Consider seeing a dermatologist if your itchiness is accompanied by these symptoms for the correct diagnosis and treatment.

  1. Bra Allergies

Ladies, you could be allergic to the latex or rubber in your bras and this could be causing itchiness under your armpits. Pay attention to see if you have bra allergies and switch to skin-friendly materials.

  1. Sensitive Skin

Some people have sensitive skin naturally. This makes them more prone to irritation and itchiness from numerous things including deodorants. You should carefully select your deodorant if you have sensitive skin. Choose aluminum-free deodorants for your sensitive skin Here.

  1. Laundry Detergent and Showering Soap

There are chemicals that can react with your skin that most laundry detergent and showering soaps. This could result in irritation and itchiness. It’s best to avoid soaps that are too harsh on your skin.

Now you know the different causes itchy and sensitive armpits. Ensure that you adopt a good personal hygiene routine, shave correctly, and pay attention to your bras, soaps, detergents, and deodorants.

I’m curious…

Is your deodorant causing skin sensitivity and itchiness? Get a more gentle deodorant from –  Elegant Shop and you will not have to worry about freshness anymore!

Follow for more personal hygiene tips and share this article with your friends and help them end their frustrations from itchy and senstitve armpits.


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